I have many thoughts on this subject.
1. Why did Adobe pay 20 billion when 10 probably would have done the trick? I can only guess there was some unseen bidding war we don't know about. Also, the perfect buyer would have been Microsoft since they have no product in this space.
2. Is Dylan Field a sellout? Absolutely. But can you blame him? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's just extremely ironic that his mantra when building Figma was NOT TO BE ADOBE. However, how many people would turn down 20 billion dollars. I don't blame him, but I also think he compromised himself when blinded by money.
3. Adobe says the free platform will stay FOW NOW. Dylan Field will remain in charge FOR NOW. Figma will not be become part of CC FOR NOW.
These are all just ways of saying that THIS WILL change in the future.