I have yet to meet a person with the title UX/UI Designer that does UX and UI, and if that actually exists they should be making twice the salary.
I think the conflation of the two jobs comes from the fact that Visual Designers used to work on print, design graphics, or create the visuals for brochure-ware type web sites. Most early websites were big on visuals and low on interactions.
Now with almost everything being an e-commerce website in one way or another, these designers are now doing the visual design for actual interfaces.
They aren't defining the interactions or user flows of click paths, but literally making the actual interface designed by a UX practitioner look interesting and appealing. They usually get to pick the visuals, the colors, and the font families, weights, and sizes.
Hence, someone somewhere decided to merge the two acronyms into a job that for the most part doesn't even exist except in title alone.