You know what really grinds my gears? Women get away with murder talking about men on daytime television. From morning news shows to daytime talk show, women constantly are allowed to blather on endlessly about how hot this actor or this athlete is.
I'll never forget how on the Today Show the female hosts found it impossible to hold back their lust for the muscled, well oiled flag bearer from Tonga from the last Olympic games. For the love of Christ they were STILL talking about it this year!
Can you imagine if a national male morning show host went gaga over the women's 'uniforms' in the beach volleyball or swimming events? They would be tarred and feathered and probably get fired.
But women seem to get a free pass because, well, they are women, so don't try to tell me there is not a double standard at play here. It's a implicit bias that no one seems to want to take on.